Osiris and Dvir Derhy

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Osiris and Dvir Derhy

Post by jordansparks »

Osiris is a fairly new cryonics company. It's a one man show run by Dvir Derhy.
I'm aware of at least two patients at that facility. Dvir has no medical or scientific background at all and really doesn't have a clue what he's doing, but has amazingly managed to put together what appears to be a practical cryonics facility. And then this article came out about his recent animal cruelty on a farm that he owns completely separately from the cryonics facility:
https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ ... 65984.html
More than 200 animals were removed. Many could barely walk or stand. Eyes were swollen shut. Many were severely infected with parasites. There were bones of decomposing animals in several places. 4 animals were euthanized, 1 died from starvation, and 60 required extensive medical treatment for months. Dehry said he would not pay for veterinary care when he could purchase a new animal for less money. He felt it was better to leave the animals untreated.
Yikes! Those patients are bound to thaw with a sociopath like this running the facility. Both patients are already in terrible condition with very likely no memories preserved. But it's still going to be a very bad situation. When they thaw, I can see regulatory repercussions.
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Re: Osiris and Dvir Derhy

Post by Mati_Roy »

I visited Osiris ~1.5 years ago. Dvir mentioned ze would prefer any amount of suffering to death (it's the same for me). Ze probably guessed it's the same for non-human animals (or something like that). Of course, this wasn't an actual dilemma here as there was the third option of avoiding both suffering and euthanasia. Thanks for sharing.
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