clarification for realistic life extension.

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clarification for realistic life extension.

Post by Mecsrt »

This post is about this other post;

It's avoid unrealistic and biased or emotional decisions which carrying the extreme behaviour with the misconception of "more is better" in relation with miracle supplements or drugs for longevity. I read the history of many life-extensionist who try in the past extreme version of therapies or not well research strategies and all failed for one reason; the accept any type of treatment which is not well researched or without enough time of experimentation or fault of enough and correct review. Under the POV of behavioural economy this reveals that behaviours are highly biased by the instinc fear of death, and if the emotions is not properly regulated then you get wrong behaviours.
Let's start step by step;

The scientific and logical way to improve one's personal human condition is to make gradual and progressive changes through a realistic lifestyle plan on a permanent basis. And avoid fads and extreme behaviours, because as you rightly point out behavioural economists such behaviours are motivated by cognitive biases and emotions which are recipes for disaster.

The basis for ensuring health, fitness and longevity in a truly scientific and realistic way (claim this point very much, as you should always make a personalised plan) is to make a SMART plan. ... mart-goals
Then apply a very gradual and progressively expository and incremental method of behaviour modification.
(If you don't have patience and money then you can put in your search engine the terms "tiny habits pdf free" for get the book)

Using tools based on scientific evidence and professional and personal experience to adapt the methods.

And online free computer and evidence based psychotherapy for improvement of mental health;

Note; all these methods are backed by science and experience. All links are free of charge and not intended to advertise any product, as this web content is publicly and freely available.
I put my case to motivate other people: during the 1st year of the pandemic I gained 11 kilos due to isolation. When I saw the problem I read carefully, carefully and critically all this information. I made myself a gradual and progressive plan where I slowly changed my lifestyle at home. In 1 year I lost the 11 kilos, I became healthy and fit according to OMS and my doctor's parameters. I improved;
- sleep patterns
- rest patterns
- psychological state
- health
- fitness
- and the longevity, based in the parameter of statistical tables of life insurance companies (don't smoke, drink, addiction, risks behaviours, stress, hygiene, etc.)

And after this stablish a plan (in the context of my country)
for my future deanimation and cryopreservation. I study my personal case and made the economical analysis of my life. Calculate the average life span of my persona based in the average life span of my family plus my country, its very accurate in around 80%. With my time frame I make the calculations from economy tendency of my type of job and country and do 3 things;
- life insurance
- contract funeral home and explain my plan in detail
- start an economical program of work, save money and invest in long term and low risk in automatic indexed founds.
- make my arrangements for cryonics storing
- make arrangements of my last wills and heritage by power attorney, notary with my cryopreservation and family in mind.
- build a non profit public association composed by volunteers and member for promote de education and mutual help for cryopreservation in/outside of my country.

Under statistical calculations my average life span is 81, but the proper interventions is between 91 (worst case scenario) to 100 (best case scenario) and following an Conservative approach advised from Warren Buffet: planned thinking in the worst and have patience and prudence.
Obviously if I have a death accident means; shut happens and that's life (putting together Sinatra and British POV of life) Read to the stoics help very well woth this fear.

I whis everyone will has success in your survival plans.

Th-th-tha-That's all folks!!!

PS. Please, Trolls; shut up the mouth.
PS. It's time to avoid improductive conversations about the sex of the angels and endless dialectical chit-chat. We haven't infinite time.
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Re: clarification for realistic life extension.

Post by jordansparks »

Agreed. Good job, and it sounds like you are on the right track. I would point out one little nagging detail, though. I'm not sure that your deanimation plan will succeed. That step is probably harder than most people naively assume. There's even a good chance that most historical cryonics cases didn't really preserve much info. Is there any way for you to eventually move to Oregon where we can do a proper job when the time comes?

Let me put that a little differently. Big muscles and another decade of life aren't the goal, but are instead just strategies to help you toward a different goal. Don't forget that the real goal is the best preservation possible. It doesn't really matter if you live another decade in the meantime. I look at that extra decade as a way to get a little wealthier and let technology develop a little more. But since nobody seems to be working very hard on developing the technology, I'm doing it myself. So another decade could make quite a bit of difference in my case. But if your plan is to just use a funeral home and let the experts come to you, well then that extra decade doesn't really get you much. Don't lose sight of the actual goal. Exercise that frontal lobe constantly so that you are truly making good decisions. What I really like about your post is that it demonstrates that you are using your frontal lobe quite a bit. You are practicing delayed gratification, evaluating quality evidence, etc. How you think is tremendously important. Use those brain skills to work on the actual important goal and don't get distracted by the noise.
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Re: clarification for realistic life extension.

Post by Mecsrt »

Hi Jordan,

A pleasure to read you, as always. What I put is a basic general outline so as not to saturate the article too much. I also have other complementary strategies for both brain health and functionality for the elderly. Body and brain are interdependently related in their maintenance, it is a virtuous cycle.
And it connects with the ultimate goal of cryopreservation in the sense of being very prepared beforehand, taking into account the starting point, also as you rightly point out, is to accumulate a little more economy and technological progress, however little it may be. It's not much but it's a stone's throw away, as we say in Spain. The problem is that in Spain it is obligatory to go through a funeral parlour. The good thing is two points: thanks to the pandemic, the law of waiting 24 hours to pick up the body on death has been repealed and it allows regular expatriation of bodies or brains. In the association I helped to found, I found a thanatopractician who researches, develops and studies new technologies and is a cryonics enthusiast. He is very dedicated to his work and to the care of the body, in this case the patient. I educated him in cryonics in a systematic and methodical way so that he would have a good foundation. He even has access to bodies donated to science for basic chemical, physical, physiological and cryobiological tests to improve his technique. We are in close collaboration with Tomorrow Biostasis.
In this way he receives additional medical training, he also collaborates with our cryobiologist and a cardiologist from the association to further his education. He also has experience in cryopreserving animals. He knows the four means of preservation; freezing, vitrification, vitrifixation and chemical fixation. We keep you up to date.
He has also created an association of European thanatologists that connects with all funeral homes in Europe and is spreading his knowledge, techniques and practices to all kinds of people. And thus educating the funeral games in this new branch. And in this way apply collaboration with hospitals, laboratories and researchers. We are all humble people who know that we have few resources but a lot of ingenuity and desire to work voluntarily.
For my part I am just a simple computer programmer who has read and thought a lot but I have made many mistakes in the past in this field. Beginnings are never easy. I have cryopreserved pets and I am working to be stored with them in 50/60 years (I hope).
My solution to the loss of brain information due to procedural imperfections is to save very detailed and extensive digital files of all kinds (chat, email, books, articles, writings, documents, diaries, biometrics, photos, videos, audios, tests, interviews, etc.) and store these digital files at their destination to repair my possible future amnesia.

In fact this technique is called extreme lifeloggin. And it has been done and improved for years. As a result of this process I developed with a group of programmers over the Internet a development group oriented to use lifeloggin to create a detailed database of a person and use the knowledge in artificial intelligence and psychology to program reconstructed personalities from this data. It's not identity is so far the closest thing to a continuum. It is also a complement to brain preservation. For it can serve in a repaired brain as a personality prosthesis where it fails organically. In any case, it is all very hypothetical, although it is also good that these reconstructed personalities exist, because it is a way of not losing knowledge, experience and members of society. It would prevent society from resetting itself every generation and accumulating knowledge in a practical way for the future. We have called this technique sideload.
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Re: clarification for realistic life extension.

Post by Mecsrt »

P.S. The protocol proposed in the publication is an extreme simplification of what we actually propose in the partnership and its options. In fact, as my objective is to communicate, disseminate and educate as many people as possible in Spain and South America about cryonics, I must also propose strategies that allow access to the possible options depending on the economic level, culture and personal or social resources available to each member of the community. I am also studying the psychological, social, cultural, moral, ethical and economic processes that govern the behaviour in favour or against cryonics in order to be able to argue and convince more effectively but giving a realistic view of the issue. It is a man's work and a bit of a nightmare. Very slowly and with meagre resources, we are also training in protocols and creating standby and volunteer teams. I also fight against the fragmentation of the community but it is almost like herding a herd of cats.
My goal is to force cryonics to lower prices to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Without losing as much as possible the quality of conservation. I also consider it an important fact to bring all stable cryonics organisations or their supporters together in an international federation to help each other and to be organised.
I have a job for a lifetime.
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Re: clarification for realistic life extension.

Post by Mecsrt »

Thinking back to the biographical backup by lifeloggin, I remember a proposal I made in my association for famine cases where a vitrifixation process could be used for brains. And put in a bucket with a plaque with a detailed identification of the patient. So far nothing new. But I proposed two complementary improvements to such a storage device:
1. To put in the lid of the cube a compartment for the disk that stores the biographical backup to complement the future mnemotechnical retrieval of the patient.
2. To make the cube double-walled with a void insulation panel made of vacuum-packed expanded perlite. Like a Spanish company that sends cryopreserved samples.
This way the brain would be accompanied by its detailed record on the outside, the biographical disc and it would have thermal insulation to retain the cold longer between transfers.
I also proposed the creation of a brain bank to be recovered in the future, which had to be underground and made of cement and reinforced concrete with the surfaces varnished with fibreglass composite and epoxy resin. Obviously, in this way, many brains could be kept safe for a long time. But the lack of sponsors and the conservative and ignorant minds of the people prevented such projects.

Basically a bunker with ACS and sideload.
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Re: clarification for realistic life extension.

Post by jordansparks »

We're building a vault. While not underground, it will be reinforced concrete on all 6 sides. The plans are all drawn and stamped, but I'm having the engineer make a few minor changes. Should be ready to start building within a few months.
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