Registration disabled temporarily due to spammers

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Registration disabled temporarily due to spammers

Post by jordansparks »

I just disabled registration of new users for a while. Too many spammers, and I won't be available to watch it closely this week. In a few weeks, I'll try to come up with a better anti-spam strategy and then turn it back on. Existing users can still make posts.
Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2019 4:54 pm

Re: Registration disabled temporarily due to spammers

Post by MaximilianKohler »

New account approval works very well for me on my forum. There are addons I use that show the IP type (VPN, etc.), and let you know if their IP, email, or username has been banned for spam on other forums. If you pair that with checking for "temp email addresses" or email addresses from certain sources (mailknox), that has effectively prevented all spam on my forum.

There is also the option to freely allow registration, but require that new accounts' first posts be manually approved. That would also work.

My forum uses different software than yours so I'm not sure if all the same features are available.
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